Music to this Writer's Ears

This acceptance in my Submittable inbox is the kind of message that starts the day with a smile:

Dear Cynthia,

Thank you for sending us "Battles With Birth Control". We would like to accept this piece and publish it in the upcoming summer/fall 2023 issue of Wordpeace, if it is still available. Please let us know. Thank you for entrusting us with your work!

Thanks again. 


Monica Barron, Nonfiction Editor

Lee Desrosiers, Founding Editor/ Publisher

Cynthia Close

Armed with an MFA from Boston University Cynthia plowed her way through several productive careers in the arts including instructor in drawing and painting, Dean of Admissions at The Art Institute of Boston, founder of ARTWORKS Consulting, and president of Documentary Educational Resources - a nonprofit film distribution company. She now claims to be a writer.

In addition…
To support this claim, she is a contributing editor for Documentary Magazine and writes regularly about art, cinema, and culture for, Artist’s Magazine, Art & Object, Pastel Magazine, Art New England, Vermont Woman, and formerly for Professional Artist Magazine. Her creative non-fiction appeared in the 2014, 2016, and 2017 anthology The Best of the Burlington Writers Workshop. Her essays have been published in various literary journals including 34th Parallel, Across the Margin, Adelaide, Agni, Bacopa Literary Review, The Black and White Anthology, Blood and Bourbon, The Brooklyn Film Arts nonfiction prize finalist, From Whispers to Roars, The Longridge Review, Montana Mouthful, Orson’s Review, The Seasons of Our Lives, Swallow Press, The Twisted Vine, Wagon Bridge Press, and The Woven Tales Press, among others. She has read publicly at many venues including the Cornelia Street Café in NYC. She was the inaugural art editor for the literary and art journal Mud Season Review launched in 2014.